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Wednesday, December 28
Closing time
Monday, November 14
Let loose
Thursday, August 4
His birthday
I loved the look on my husband's face: unsuspecting! So today he turned another year older (aaaww). Oh he is always a wiser man than any other I know my whole life, no doubt about that. Tee hee.
I was up, finally and began to scavenge the kitchen. Wait, is it even humanly, scavenge? Well whatever, I did that. Then, I started to disturb my drinking buddies in KL through online chat (tongue).
It took me less than five minutes walking to FairPrice. I planned to cook something different today (wink). FYI I go to the supermarket on daily basis. My girl once asked why I do not buy my grocery one shot like that. Well, I hate the thought of not moving my bottom from the house, you know. Therefore I make a point to be outside for fresh air, at least.
Happy iftar to all Muslims! We in Pasir Ris over here got to break our fasting earlier (yay). I hope KLites would be extra patient waiting for their turn. Anyway, bismillah.
I had prepared fusilli with beef and mushroom tomato sauce for Abi's birthday dinner. It is his favorite pasta so I tried hard not to screw this one up. With me fasting and all, I did not know what it tasted like until we actually ate it. What do you know, my husband approved it with flying colors (phew).
The truth is anything that I cook here has been given positive comments by him. Last Tuesday, my nasi lemak received a perfect (whoa, I know). However, I suspect that everything to do with Malaysian air tangan is good enough for Abi. Thank God.
After solat, I served us dessert! What else, right? It was my own creation proudly and I made it during the day using stuffs from the fridge only. I would like to call it MY fruit cake trifle.
Fruit cake
Chocolate-vanilla swirl ice-cream
1. Make cookie crumbs as base in a medium height container.
2. Slice fruit cake thinly and arrange the pieces on top of the crumbs. Compact the layer with a spoon.
3. Slice ice-cream thinly and arrange the pieces at the top before compacting it.
4. Freeze the now full container.
The result? When he finished his portion, my husband stole a bite of the trifle from my plate. Enough said.
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Monday, August 1
Yesterday, we ate quite generous chicken rice dish at lunch. For dinner my husband enjoyed nasi kandar and I rojak so we really could not stuff more food into our little tummies, hence the instant noodle. Hmm.
I quickly took the train but on the way, Abi and I arranged over the phone to meet up at Pasir Ris Town Park.
Therefore my so-called chores today involved going to the airport, twice. I slept in, slept at waiting area and slept throughout the flight due to fatigue from the running around. All three times! Tee hee.
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Friday, July 29
Free meal(s)
Wednesday, July 27
Hip hip hooray
Sunday, July 17
Sick Sunday
Yet we went out to enjoy breakfast at DTE (grin). I ordered mee siam which did not really matter because my taste bud stopped working. He could not complain much about his fried koay teow, too.
After our so-called movie date, we decided to have a cuppa before heading back. I got my cappuccino from McCafe then joined him at the food court. Oh did I say it rained? Yes it flashed a bit but was gone as we walked home (phew).
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Saturday, July 16
Stuck alone
It was not the spending time on my own that frightened me. It was the fact that I could not leave this country due to unfinished immigration business. I was darn scared if anything should happened (touch wood) and I could not do much from where I was stuck in.
Friday, July 15
Rainy day!
Thank God it is Friday. The weather is cloudy and very windy with a chance of rain (yay)! It has not rain since we touched down here last two days. I am beginning to feel sick, literally. The temperature is so high I was experiencing headache earlier and now chesty cough. So it is a good thing if it rains today (cross fingers).
Anyway I am all cleaned up and dressed up with nowhere to go, yet. Actually there is a program that has got me glued to the idiot box. I am not going to tell you what it is though (tongue).
It actually rained in
the house for my McCafe coffee, of course! Sitting behind me is a bunch of high school students who sound like they are having fun. With their confident high pitched voice and happily turned up volume: it is like music to my ears. I pray God spare me my still-in-good-condition eardrums (grin).
It makes me think: if you realize that you need to be in a pack to feel confident and happy about yourself, then it is really a bad sign. Come on, at this age you still need approval and recognition from the members of the pack? So high-school like, kids. Fully depending on them, you will not be able to walk with your head held up high when they are not around. Which is why at times you tend to fall apart without their support and believe me, it does not take a genius to see that.
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Wednesday, July 13
Hot day
My husband brought back a number of news from work. My appointment date had been set next week but in the meantime I could not leave this country even if I wanted to, surprise! On the contrary, my husband needed to go back to KL due to some ordered item had reached his brother's office. In other words, I would be stuck here alone for the weekend with hanging status. Nice.
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Sunday, July 10
Some Sunday
Saturday, July 9
Hello, weekend
Ride home
Thursday, July 7
Buyer hunt

Wednesday, July 6
Coffee break

Tuesday, July 5
Day trip
Abi and I were getting ready to leave home. Everyday was an early start for me so far and I could not recall if I ever slept in, including weekends. And today it was bring wife to work day (wink), literally.

Monday, July 4
Nostalgic night
I was personally invited to a charity dinner by the Head of Operation and Finance during our regular drinking session. And it was not just any dinner, mind you. We are talking concert dinner featuring a respectable performer, the versatile Datuk Sharifah Aini or fondly known as Kak Pah by her fans. The event would be taking place inside the Grand Ballroom of Hotel Seri Pacific located just next to PWTC.
That evening, I got ready by 6pm and waited for my girl to fetch me at my apartment. As the Head of Corporate Communication and Public Relations for the organization, I say she did a pretty good job making sure I had social fun! We arrived at the venue by 7pm, thank God for smooth traffic on a Saturday night (phew) and were briefed about guests registration immediately. Next thing I knew, I was handing out confirmed tickets to arriving guests, voluntarily.
Right after 8pm, dinner was served and food was simple but delicious (burp). So that officially initiated the Majlis Makan Malam Amal Simfoni Kasih IKIMfm "Hapuslah Air Matamu" Bersama Datuk Sharifah Aini organized by Islamic Relief Association Malaysia. I sat together with a Producer pal and a couple of lawyer associates I was introduced to earlier, who by the way, knew how to have fun!
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Wednesday, April 13
Reason and choice
Well, I say good for her and wished her all the best of luck in her pursue of bliss. Because most importantly, she is doing it for all the right reasons, at least to herself and nobody or nothing can take that away from her.
In another story, my drinking buddy just came back from Makkah for performing umrah. Not all Muslims get to receive this invitation from God to the Holy land. Some never get the chance to do pilgrimage in their lifetime. As for her, she not only went there but also together with her whole family. It was really a beautiful work of the Creator.
So apart from spending time for ibadah, my girl also spare some quality me time on self reflection. Enlightened, she came back determined to become a better person by beginning to stand up to her own choices and not of others. Again, nobody or nothing shall take that away from her.
Resignation and reflection. In the midst of completing piling work tasks, somehow the two manage to creep into my mind. I have been working nonstop in the last six month without extra day off. It is bearable simply because I enjoy coming to the office day in, day out.
So busy with work, I just go on and on and on without having the opportunity to scrutinize past actions or realign my priorities. Therefore, I secretly wish to do either of the above but at the same time I feel that it is alright if neither happened. The urgency feeling would sink in and I would be okay again.
Thinking back of the two anecdotes, I feel the need to identify the right reasons and then make a choice. Or I could just do both, maybe.
Tuesday, February 22
Obsession confession
During our trip to Boston, I went crazy! I lost count on how many times I visited Macy. Well, the store kept having sale events like an ongoing thingy so I found that hard to resist (sigh). Before the trip ended I found myself having bought a total of six handbags with four of them being Aigners! They are so cheap, even cheaper than the published prices on the official website. And you could imagine the hard time I had arranging and stuffing them into our suitcases (tongue). But it was worth the trouble flying them all back to KL.
This year, I have not decided on an indulgence. Yet. I have been frequenting shopping websites like a lot! My husband shakes his head at my new past time initially but now (although he will deny this fact to you), I begin to sense that he has a slight interest in messenger bags. Hmm I may be wrong but hey I have known him for more than a decade so yeah.
Sometimes I cannot help myself and whoops, purchased a few stuffs online. They include Anya Hindmarch bow and shopping totes, H&M tops and ballerina shoes; Love Moschino shoulder bag, CHeapnCHic flats and Lulu Guinness purse. For the record, I do not do mass thus tend to go against the crowd. Carrying the same with others is never the whole point of my quest for the perfect accessory. Apparently too cliche, I cannot handle it. Plus I am cheapskate, remember?
There you go, my skeleton in the closet: it has decided to come out. I hate being me but I really love what I am doing with my money and on occasions, my husband's (kiss). Anyway it is still early, the year is long. There is more than enough time to work on my collection (wink). I already see the annual trip with our cousins as a perfect opportunity to go full blast.
Abi honey, you have been warned.
Wednesday, January 5
Happy year
When I was younger and by this I mean last year (that was mere days ago) I did a lot of stuffs. Some are which I am actually proud of and others well, just plain stupid. Sure, there had not been much contribution coming from me to the society at large but I am pretty confident many of those around me were happy because that was what I tried to help making them feel. I did, really.
Happiness is when I had listened to my girl with her never ending guy conflict. It is also when I consoled a cold feet bro to overcome his worry.
Financial aid with money I did not have because I spent away my monthly paycheck; made a certain family members happy. Yeah I know I should have saved for rainy days but hey somebody has to keep the economy going here (grin).
Our three sets of parents were the happiest when Abi and I visited them as much as we could that sometimes I wonder if they realize my husband is working in another different country. And I could not bear the thought of not being able to make an appearance at extended family events because I am quite sure they were happy to see us (tongue).
At work, I could tell that my superior was glad I was around. Also, I gave my best of expertise to the team which would normally involve diplomatic correspondence (read: people oriented with language proficiency). During breaks, the office girls were laughing with me. Of course nobody would say it to your face that they are grateful having you but sometimes you just know, you know?
But I could only do so much.
There were some things I really had no control of. I am not going to make up excuses about my hands being tied up or my awareness was lacking that ended up hurting people. Clearly, your happiness did not require me in it so I guess we have to live with that.
Alright, enough babbling about ancient times. In moving forward I better leave older days behind. Seriously, I cannot stand reminiscing or spending time regretting the past. In fact if some genius succeeded in building a time machine and offers me (as if) the ride back in history, I got to pass. Let bygones be bygones. What's done, is done. So get with the program, please?
I have a number of programs lined up for this year already. There is my drinking buddy who is getting married at the end of this month. Abi’s cousin, who always fetched me at the airport with no questions asked, is, too in a couple.
Back in the office, the girls are organizing a department outing next month. I could almost imagine the fun my husband and I will enjoy (wink). Then there is the annual trip with our cousins ready to take off in the second quarter. I shall begin the necessary preparation very soon.
Although, work is going to be doubly hard and overloaded; which explains the personal fallback plans we are designing to balance it out. Abi and I are off for a good start of a busy year ahead. I can hardly wait to go through it all with a great great man (too bad I am the one married to him!) as well as happy happy crowd close to me.
And the weekend wife saga continues.