These are no ordinary shoes as they are ESD-safe shoes which avoid me from causing damage to electronic component or device failure at work. I like to see them as cute white sneakers which I could match with cute multicolored socks. I am always happy to wear them but only in the factory because I know I would feel safe in them. In short, they are special shoes, really.
However, I do not know if washing them in the washer is a good idea. I had never tried doing it before so would this ruin the machine if not the shoes? You know what they say, there is always a first time for everything so should I just do it?
So I stood there in front of the washer for many minutes and I did not have the courage to put the shoes in. Maybe I try to decide again next year. Or maybe I will beg my husband to wash them for me this weekend since he usually wash his football boots after playing futsal. Maybe the latter is the best idea!
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