Wednesday, July 29

Birthday redo

On my birthday, I went out for dinner with my buddies who fetched me up at the apartment. In one car, there was my male chauvinist friend who got engaged recently. Yes, he is back! Tagging along was a girl friend and myself. We were to meet another friend at Mid Valley Megamall that night.

Since it was my birthday, I got to choose where we were eating out. I decided to dine at the Little Penang Café. It was also a favorite place for Abi and me, especially during our university years.

The food tasted remarkably good even after nine years! And dinner was alright despite some loud-phone-conversation interruptions. Anyway, I did not let that ruin my excitement because it was the night when everything was supposed to be about me, right guys?

However due to the inevitable incident, last night, I went out again with them for yet another birthday dinner. This time, it took place at a Secret Recipe outlet. And it was more relaxed and fun compared to the night before.

My friends decided to redo my birthday celebration. I did not even know if there is such a thing (confused). Well, I enjoyed it anyway! We shared curry laksa, gourmet pie and meatball spaghetti. And you should look at us go, because we sure can eat!

My friends ordered a sliced cake of the month for dessert. And I did not see a candle coming with the cake (aawww). You guys are so sweet. And just so you know, I wished something good for the three of us. You guys will thank me later.

Is birthday great or what? Not only I got to pick my celebration venues, I also did not have to pay for anything. Thank you, gorgeous people. I had real grown up fun!

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