Monday, November 23

Mumble no. 57

Ah the end of the year. It is almost here again. Know what this means? Shopping, baby! As sale event will take place in all retail outlets in conjunction with a public holiday in the month of December. My mom and half brothers are planning to come staying with us in Pasir Ris. It is also the holiday season for college and university brats so they have the perfect excuse to travel and see the world. Yeah, right.

Hopefully Abi and I can take them all out dining, shopping; tourist style. Actually we ourselves have never really explored explored the Lion City so I think the time is just right for us all to find out what is so unique about the country. Hmm.

Year end is also the time for my husband and me to have that beach holiday, again! Of course a bunch of other boys are coming along, too. Remember Krabi, guys? I hope it is going to be as crazy as last year’s trip with a lot of drinking taking place (tongue). I already miss those sleepless card playing nights. Body massage; one must never forget that. And I cannot wait to taste lots of different but scrumptious food!

Also in this entry I have to say what I should have said a long time ago, since the middle of this year to be exact. I am afraid that if I do not do this, very soon, I am going to lose my mind. So here goes:

I have been coming to work, day in day out without having any specific job to do. No matter is either important or urgent. I am tired of doing it but have no intention to leave the company I work with so far. However recently, and I feel it the strongest today; I am beginning to not see the point of repeating this everyday anymore. You may think I am weak but that is how it has been all this while. Help?

Looking on the bright side of this so-called issue, I enjoy going to work for being with colleagues, drinking and eating three times during the day on breaks. As if socializing at the office is not enough, I meet the girls for more drinks outside or for dinner especially when we all fast on that day. In addition, my paycheck is on time at every end of the month, without fail. And just to make things clear, the company is doing well and there is no sign of it going to be shut down despite the slow economy nowadays. Hey on second thought, I may get through this because I am a cat that is patient and love to be spoilt with free money from a great company (grin).

So there I said it. It is a battle for me getting up to work on weekdays. I actually look forward to weekends because my life is much better and fun with Abi around. Although it is also a fight opening my eyes in the morning these last two days but I was glad to have done it with him (kiss), waking up that is. After all, we could use a beauty sleep having traveled back and fourth between the two countries.

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